Canoeing the big rivers by Phil Bennett / Jamie Robley

There are few more enjoyable and effective ways to target Australian bass than by canoe. We've spent fair chunks of the past 20 years canoe fishing for these feisty native fish, exploring many rivers up and down the coast, and just couldn't imagine not owning some form of canoe or kayak to chase them.

Canoes offer unsurpassed stealth and mobility and allow you to on waterways that are simply inaccessible to larger craft. It's simple, really: To fish many of our classic bass waters properly you really need a canoe or kayak.

Even back 20 years ago on the Central Coast there was a steady trickle of fish, the soothing sound of whip birds and the exciting sense of exploration as you pushed off the bank. Even today we still get excited tying the kayaks on the roof rack and heading up-river.

It's pretty common knowledge that much of the State's best bass water is to the north...