Part 1 – Saltwater Series by Brad McKendrick


This is the first article of five in the Saltwater Series and will tackle the use of gang rigs. I will examine how to make them and how to get the most out of them. I will then discuss the best ways to rig baits when used for reef and deepwater fishing.

Hooks are ganged together to cover the length of the bait to present a natural look to the fish. The old method of ganging hooks together through the eye is still used today. However, many of us find them a little tough to handle. Out of necessity a new method of rigging gangs with a dividing swivel between the hooks has been developed. This makes it easy to place them into any bait.

We all have our favourite hooks and swivels, so just adapt the concept to your liking and preferred equipment. I personally use Tru-Turn hooks and find them one of the sharpest and strongest hooks for ganging. The shogun swivels are also a steadfast recommendation.

The size of the bait is a key feature in deciding what size gang hook to use and the quantity to gang together. Another main feature to consider is the target species. Gang together two hooks, up to six (check your state regulations), to suite the size of the bait and the fish that we are chasing.