Someone else’s back yard! by Alex Hickson

I was delving into to some dark corners of my slide library and, some 50 minutes later, I found myself still reminiscing through some old pictures and fond memories.

Some were shots of wanderings along semi-alpine streams and creeks that spill east or west off the Great Dividing Range but these were offset by shots of bream flathead, jacks, carp, bass and more trout caught around very human-made structures and environments.

A number of times people actually made humorous comments about the fishing prospects I was facing in many small and semi-stagnant creeks, rivers or ponds where I was about to throw a lure or fly. It's just a shame that they often disappeared around the corner before the action started - or maybe that's a good thing!

What all these pictures highlighted was basically that fish can adapt to change and, in some instances, even flourish.

What to look for? Probably the biggest eye-openers are closest to home...